Blended Capitation Model

Dear Grandin Medical Clinic Patients,

Grandin Medical Clinic has always based our practice around the “Patient's Medical Home” model. As your Medical Home, we are focused on offering the care you need, in your community, when you need it.  Ensuring access to care and continuity of care remains our top priority.  

In 2020, Grandin Medical Clinic changed to a new funding model called the Blended Capitation Model.  We are still paid by Alberta Health, and there are no changes to how your healthcare is covered.  We are excited by the options this new model provides us for continuing to provide excellent, comprehensive care to all our patients.   A great benefit of this model is that we can expand our care team (more nurses, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, etc.) and in the future, we hope this gives us the opportunity to take on more patients (i.e. your family and friends).

One of the requirements of this new model is to clearly define who the patients of our clinic are, this is done by having each patient sign an Affiliation Form.  If you have not already signed one, you will be asked at one of your next visits to the clinic to sign one of these forms. The signed Affiliation Form will be formally attached to your Family Physician.  By signing this Affiliation Form you will agree to contact us first for your medical needs (before going to a walk-in clinic) and to update our clinic of any changes to your health.

We recognize that urgent needs will arise.  If you have a medical emergency, call 911.  For other serious problems, the Emergency Department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Other options to consider are: calling Alberta Health Link 24/7 by dialing 811.  Health Link will ask questions, assess symptoms, and determine the best care for you.  Additionally, you can book with the Grandin Medical Clinic’s Urgent Care Doctor by phoning (780) 459-5581 between the hours of 9 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

This also means that if you access care elsewhere (i.e., another clinic, Medi-Clinics), we are notified and this pulls funds and resources away from your Medical Home, Grandin Medical Clinic. Every possible opportunity to provide care for you at the Grandin Medical Clinic will be made available to ensure you can be seen as needed.

Thank you for choosing Grandin Medical Clinic to be your Medical Home. We look forward to continuing to provide exemplary care for you and your family. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (780) 459-5581, email us at or schedule an appointment. 

Click here for more information about the Blended Capitation Clinic Alternative Relationship Plan (ARP) Model (


Your Grandin Medical Clinic Team